Contienen: Cartel Bienvenida, Guirnalda "Comunión de + nombre", Invitación personalizada, Tarjetitas agradecimiento, Place Cards, Toppers variados, Conos, Etiquetas Botellas. Disponible en varios colores. Lo podéis encargar a través de la tienda aquí.
ENG - From now and until 10th May, Communion Packs are discounted to 40€
Contains: Banner " Name's Communion", EMPTY Place cards, Customizable Invitation, labels for water bottles, Cone template, Sign "Welcome to Name's 1st Holy Communion", 2" toppers designs. Available in different colours. You can purchase here.
4 comentarios:
que bonitoooo! lo de las comuniones es tan dulce!!! que tal vas con el embarazo??
siento estar tan desconectada pero es que me es imposible llegar a todo!!! un besote guapisiima
The part about three kids splitting their pants open made me laugh. Does that make me a terrible person? Please say no.
So let’s discuss what happened with my last comment. Um. I opened the comment box on your page to leave a comment, and then my internet stopped working for several hours, so I never left a comment. Then later, I was reading someone else’s blog (three kids split their pants at a birthday party while going down a slide, in case you were wondering), and I decided to leave a comment there. I typed my comment, and only after I submitted it did I notice that the comments before mine were in Spanish, which struck me as odd, since the blog was in English. And then I figured out what happened…
So I immediately typed a comment of explanation, and… my internet stopped working again.
Also, this is Tova. Now that you know that, does it surprise you that I managed to leave a ridiculous (and kind of embarrassing) comment on the wrong blog?? I’m guessing not.
Me encantan los de la niña rezando
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