Cada familia llevó algo para comer (ensaladas, tortilla de patatas, quiches, guacamole, quesos y embutidos) y yo me ofrecí voluntaria para preparar el postre.
Quería hacer algo que se adaptara a los gustos de todos, y por eso elegí el chocolate como protagonista.
Después de mirar miles de recetas por internet, llegué al blog Food and Cook by Trotamundos (que me encanta!) y decidí probar su receta de brownies de galletitas oreo, una delicia!
Es una receta muy fácil, y quedó realmente exquisito, y no lo digo yo, eh?? No quedó ni una miga! Esta vez no pude hacer fotos porque lo preparé por la noche y lo dejé cortado en un tupper, listo para llevar.
Como pensé que era poco (aunque luego no fue así) también hice una tarta de plátano, que ya os pasaré la receta en cuanto tenga un tiempito para escribirla.
En unos días subo algunas fotos de la barbacoa, no me ha dado tiempo ya que mi marido ha hecho unas 700!
Pasaros por el blog Food and Cook para obtener la receta y probadla, no os arrepentiréis! Click aquí.
ENG - Yesterday we were invited to a barbacue, we enjoyed the swimming pool, but most of all the amazing company of new friends, that we met in birthing classes. Our babies are only days apart from each other, and in spite of that we can see huge differences, in their habits, achievements and characters. I have to say that if I look at each couple, I can tell which kid is whom, and I'm not only speaking about their appearences, but about their personalities. It's a funny thing.
Each family brought something to eat (salads, spanish tortilla, quiches, cheese and ham, guacamole) and I offered to bring dessert.
I wanted something that would be the likes of everyone, so I decided to go for a chocolate treat.
I searched for hours in the internet, and finally arrived at Food and Cook's blog by Trotamundos, where I chose the Oreo Brownie recipe, delicious!
It's a very simple recipe and the result is amazing! Everyone loved it and there wasn't even a little bit left. I couldn't take pictures because I cooked it the night before and left it in tuppers ready to take.
Because I thought I didn't have enough for everyone (although this wasn't true) I also made a simple banana cake (will post recipe as soon as I have the time to type it).
I also will share a few photos, but yesterday I was very tired to select some of the 700 photos my husband took!
Please visit Food and Cook's Blog to see the recipe and do try it, you won't regret it! click here.

fotos vía Food and Cook
2 comentarios:
Que pinta tiene y que bien te ha quedado!
La textura que se aprecia en la foto es la perfecta para el brownie, contundente, pero a la vez con un toque suave y blando.
Oh my goodness!! Those oreo brownies look absolutely amazing!!
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