ESP - Esta es la foto de la semana 2 (lo sé, ya estamos en la semana 3!). Unas bobinas de madera que compré hace tiempo en Etsy y que me gusta reutilizar con los colores que me inspiran cada día. Este año me he propuesto coser más e intentar hacer algún vestidito para Daniela. Pero es que últimamente los días no me rinden nada. Cuando llego a casa tengo mil cosas que hacer, y lo único que me apetece es estar tranquila con Daniela y disfrutar de ella. Ultimamente se está despertando varias veces por la noche, y claro, yo con ella. Así que tampoco descanso mucho.
Tengo que subir algunas fiestas en las que se encargaron diseños de Nina Designs y como Novedad os adelanto que seguramente cambie un poco la tienda. Principalmente venderemos en formato digital, que es más práctico y me ahorra el tener que trabajar con imprenta y empresas de envío. Seguirá siendo un producto personalizado y de entrega rápida. Las medidas se podrán ajustar a los marcos que tengáis sin problemas, únicamente deberéis de aseguraos que vuestra imprenta imprime en ese tamaño. En cuanto tenga las modificaciones os avisaré para que os paséis, ya que también añadiré la papelería de fiestas!
ENG - This is my photo for week 02 (I know, this is already week 03!). I bought these wooden spools in Etsy a while ago, and I like to reuse them with the colours that inspire me everyday. One of my new year's resolutions is to learn how to sew, and hopefully make a little dress for Daniela. But lately I don't have time for much. When I get home all I want to do is relax and enjoy my little girl. I'm not sleeping well either since Daniela wakes up several times during the nights.
The news are that I will be changing Nina Designs shop to sell only digitally. This way I avoid working with a print and delivery company, and products arrive faster to their owner. Of course all prints will still be personalized, that's the spirit of my designs. I also have to show you a few parties that used my designs and the new products for parties stationary, so stay tuned!
ENG - This is my photo for week 02 (I know, this is already week 03!). I bought these wooden spools in Etsy a while ago, and I like to reuse them with the colours that inspire me everyday. One of my new year's resolutions is to learn how to sew, and hopefully make a little dress for Daniela. But lately I don't have time for much. When I get home all I want to do is relax and enjoy my little girl. I'm not sleeping well either since Daniela wakes up several times during the nights.
The news are that I will be changing Nina Designs shop to sell only digitally. This way I avoid working with a print and delivery company, and products arrive faster to their owner. Of course all prints will still be personalized, that's the spirit of my designs. I also have to show you a few parties that used my designs and the new products for parties stationary, so stay tuned!

ninadesigns © 2012
2 comentarios:
Me encanta la foto...sigue así!
Me gusta mucho la luz y la sensación que da
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