En un principio no ibamos a hacer nada para nuestra segunda boda (aunque la primera legal), pero después de ver tantos blog llenos de inspiración, lo que en teoría iba a ser algo sencillo se convirtió en una fiesta picnic.
Y así es como comenzó la locura!
Muchos de vosotros ya sabréis que en España no es típico este tipo de decoración de fiestas, y por tanto muchos de los detalles que me gustaban (pajitas, botellas, bandejas de postres, etc) no se venden en las tiendas, lo que nos deja solo una opción: comprar por Internet.
Con un poco de imaginación, la gran ayuda de Etsy la gran inspiración de las mesas dulces de Amy Atlas y muchos de vuestros consejos, he podido realizar mi sueño de tener una fiesta al estilo americano.
Lo más importante es que los invitados se divirtieron y disfrutaron de unos dulces diferentes a lo típico español (cupcakes de banana y vainilla o de naranja y semillas de amapola, bolitas de tarta, una tarta alta con crema de mascarpone y chocolate blanco).
Sin demorarlo más os dejo con las tan esperadas fotos de mi primera mesa dulce!
ENG - The idea of this wedding picnic came to me one day while reading Joanna Goddard's Blog, A cup of Jo. I saw this one post in which a girl surprised her husband with a picnic for his birthday. I thought it was such a sweet and romantic idea that maybe I should do something similar for my wedding, something simple but cute to remember.
At first we weren't going to do anything for our second wedding (though it was the first one legal), but after seeing so many inspiring things around many blogs, what was going to be a simple thing, turned into a lovely picnic party. And that's when the madness began!
As many of you know by now, this type of decoration is not so popular in Spain, so lots of things I really wanted (stripy straws, little glass bottles, cake stands, etc) were not available in stores, which only left me with one option: on-line buying.
With a bit of imagination, the big help from Etsy, the huge inspiration from Amy Atlas sweet tables and lots of your great advice, I could make my dream come true and have an all american style party.
Most importantly, people really had a good time and got to try different sweets that are not the typical spanish ones (banana and vanilla or orange and poppy seed cupcakes, cake pops, a tall cake with mascarpone and white chocolate frosting).
So, without further ado I leave you with the long awaited photos from my first sweet table!

En breve pondré tutoriales, recetas y plantillas!
No os olvidéis de pasaros por el Blog de mi marido: Javier Tomás Photographer
Shortly I'll be posting tutorials, recipes and templates!
Do not forget to stop by mu huscand's Blog: Javier Tomás Photographer