A mi favor os puedo decir que en mi casa todo peluche corre peligro, porque aunque Patrick, nuestro golden retriever de 7 años ya no es un cachorro, sigue comportándose como si lo fuera, y peluche que ve, peluche que quiere destrozar (lo mismo le pasa con los cojines, almohadas y cualquier cosa con relleno). Y a este elefante le tenía el ojo echado desde hace mucho tiempo, y hace poco había vuelto a morderlo y tuve que remendarlo. Así que en uno de mis arranques de creatividad, decidí cortar por lo sano (nunca mejor dicho) y darle una nueva vida a salvo de los dientes de Patrick. Quiero pensar que era esto, o ir a la basura la próxima vez que lo atacara...
Aprovechando un colgador de Maisons du Monde que no sabía muy bien donde poner, éste se convirtió en uno de los DIY más fáciles que puedan existir! Os dejo con las fotitos del paso a paso y espero que me contéis vuestra opinión al respecto de la taxidermia eco.
¿¿Os gustan los trofeos de peluche/cartón que están tan de moda en la decoración de casas y habitaciones infantiles??
Separamos la cabeza del cuerpo y cosemos la abertura. Preparamos la superficie donde vamos a colocar la cabeza, en mi caso un colgador al cual le quité el gancho. También se podría colocar un ganchito directamente a la cabeza. Mirad lo que tengáis en casa y aprovechadlo. Yo lo fijé a la madera con celo de doble cara, para ver si me gustaba. Pero con super glue quedará mejor. Le buscamos un sitio ideal y lo colgamos!
ENG - I must confess I'm a bit uncertained about this DIY.
Maybe it's due to the fact that my husband it's 100% against any kind of
taxidermy. At the end of the day we are putting an animal's head in our
wall as a trophy. So, how do I explain this to my little girl? For her,
animals should have their heads attached to their body.
So here I am with my dilema, and still couldn't help but do this, because I loved it everytime I saw it in kids rooms! I'm even thinking of doing a deer one made out of cardbox for my dinning room, even if it costs me the separation ;)
One thing in my favour is that Patrick, our 7 years old golden retriever, and who thinks is still a puppy (or at least behaves like one) loves to chew on soft toys, and this elephant was one of his favorite. Recently had survived another attack, so I like to think that by giving him a new life I somehow saved him from a cruel end in Patrick's mouth.
I used this hanger from Maisons du Monde that I didn't know where to put and did what it's probably the easiest DIY you can find! I leave you with the step by step photos and would love to hear your oppinion on the whole eco taxidermy subject.
Do you like soft toys/cardbox trophies that are so in fashion right now??
So here I am with my dilema, and still couldn't help but do this, because I loved it everytime I saw it in kids rooms! I'm even thinking of doing a deer one made out of cardbox for my dinning room, even if it costs me the separation ;)
One thing in my favour is that Patrick, our 7 years old golden retriever, and who thinks is still a puppy (or at least behaves like one) loves to chew on soft toys, and this elephant was one of his favorite. Recently had survived another attack, so I like to think that by giving him a new life I somehow saved him from a cruel end in Patrick's mouth.
I used this hanger from Maisons du Monde that I didn't know where to put and did what it's probably the easiest DIY you can find! I leave you with the step by step photos and would love to hear your oppinion on the whole eco taxidermy subject.
Do you like soft toys/cardbox trophies that are so in fashion right now??
3 comentarios:
Me ha parecido una idea estupenda y que nunca hubiera pensado. Menudo trofeo para tus nenes y no para el listo de Patrick jaja
¡Un abrazo!
me encanta!!!y además parece bastante facil
me pasa lo mismo…entonces yo le compré un elefante de esparto..un besito
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