La clave del éxito son unos ingredientes simples y frescos.
Por eso busqué la receta en la página de Jamie Oliver, un chef muy moderno y carismático, que siempre apuesta por recetas simples pero con ingredientes de excelente calidad.
También miré el video de como lo preparaba, en su programa filmado en Italia, donde viajaba por pueblecitos aprendiendo las diversas maneras de cocinar la pasta, uno de mis platos favoritos!
Y tengo que deciros que me quedó tan rico, que no sobró nada!
Aquí encontraréis la receta de la Pasta al Forno.
ENG - Last night I came back from work very tired, but also very excited to cook this delicious typical italian dish, and one that we ate many times back home when I was a little girl.
The key to success is to keep the ingredients simple but fresh.
That's why I looked for the recipe in Jamie Oliver's web page he's a very modern chef who always bets for easy recipes, but with quality ingredients.
I also watched part of his show filmed in Italy, where he traves from town to town and learns all the different ways to cook pasta, one of my favourite dishes!
And let me tell you, it was so good, that there was none left!
Here you can find the Pasta al Forno recipe.
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Y no os olvidéis de pasar por el blog de mi marido! Nuevo post: Sebastián + Anabel
And stop by my husband's blog! New Post: Sebastian + Anabel